Friday, July 15, 2022

Five Best Ways to Attract New Patients with Your Healthcare Website

Have you heard the latest news about people crashing their Teslas because they trusted the self-driving features? Cars don't drive themselves yet, and it turns out that neither does your health care website.

Most web designers and online marketing companies won't tell you this, but your medical website will work much better to bring in new patients if you give it some input. Don't leave it to its own devices. With a little more focus and the easy steps below, many more new patients will call.

1. Talk with People on Social Media

Share health tips on social media, especially about conditions you know a lot about. If you share blog posts from your practice, your website will become known as a reliable source of health information and your social media followers will be more likely to make appointments.

Talk to patients through the social profiles for your practice as well. This helps make the connection more personal. "Liking," commenting on, and re-posting the posts of other healthcare professionals is another way to boost your online credibility. It will make them more likely to do the same for you, which can help your site move up in search results.

2. Respond to Online Reviews in A Positive Way

88 percent of people now trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family. Get happy patients to write reviews on different websites, like Yelp and Google. And don't forget to thank people who wrote good reviews.

The more positive reviews you get, the more likely it is that your website will move up in search results. In fact, Google gives more weight to businesses that have five or more good reviews.

It's important that your practice also takes into account the bad feedback.

Since 4 out of 5 people have changed their minds about buying something after reading bad reviews online, your best bet is to address the problems of unhappy customers. The more stars that appear next to the name of your medical practice's website in search results, the more likely it is that new patients will click on it and make an appointment.

3. Use Social Media To Spread The Word About Local Events And Hot News Stories

This lets you take advantage of the traffic to your website caused by popular events or news stories and reach a larger audience. In a recent survey, 60% of social media users said they trust information posted by doctors more than any other group. This means that people are more likely to click on your posts than those from other sources.

When people "like," share, comment on, and link to your posts about local events, it makes your healthcare website design more relevant and helps it rank higher in local searches. This also shows that your practice is part of the community, which helps people in the area trust you. More likely they are to choose you as a medical provider, the more they trust you.

4. Make How-To and Review Videos for YouTube

  • YouTube is now the second most popular way for doctors to connect through social media. There are several good reasons to promote your medical practice website through this channel:
  • YouTube is not only a popular place to watch videos online, but it is also a popular place to look for things. When you post on this channel, you'll get more search traffic and your rankings on general search engines will go up, too (e.g., Google and Bing).
  • Videos help people feel like they know you and your practice better because they can put a face to your name. Because of this, customer testimonials are thought to be the most effective type of content marketing.
  • How-to videos show that you know a lot about medicine. It's much more effective to show patients and potential patients that you know how to treat the conditions you specialize in than to just tell them.
  • Testimonial videos help build trust with potential patients because they show real patients recommending your practice. People naturally believe what other people like them say.
  • Studies have shown that people who watch online videos are more likely to buy something by more than 64%. Whether it's a new pair of shoes or your medical services, testimonials have a big impact on customers.
  • Putting up videos with wide appeal, like how-tos, can get the attention of other doctors. When they share these videos on their own social networks, it can help your videos and website move up in the search rankings.

5. Claim Your Citations

Even if you've never put your business on Yelp, the Yellow Pages, or, it's likely already there. By claiming the listing, you can fix any mistakes and add any missing information. This makes sure that your current and potential patients can find your office.

Even better, you can help your website move up in the search results by claiming local citation listings on as many directories as possible. If everything else is the same, businesses with more citations tend to rank higher than those with less. Citations in places like the local chamber of commerce directory or a city business index are especially helpful because they show that your practice is well-known in the area.

Use these five steps to promote yourself to boost your online marketing and local SEO. This will help you get a lot more patients for the money you spend on your website.

Need to find more new patients? Get in Touch.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Healthcare Website Design Statistics You Should Know in 2022

If the healthcare industry needed another wake-up call to get its virtual house in order, 2022 delivered on that promise and more. COVID-19 is more than we expected. But, can you think of a more critical time for healthcare companies to consider developing a strong and user-friendly digital platform? In many countries, "non-essential" clinic appointments (which were usually taken to mean "non-coronavirus") were banned. That too for weeks at a time.

In any case, the clinic waiting area felt like a relic. It was bad enough with the 45-minute wait. No one wants to be completing that paperwork for 45 minutes in a crowded waiting room. That too full of coughing strangers now that a highly contagious illness is sweeping the globe. Alternatively, they could be waiting in line at the drugstore with a coughing stranger in front of them.

Consumers want and need to rely on the online platform for their medical needs. So, use the website design statistics 2022 assemblage to improve your healthcare website design approach. Also, make your healthcare website stand out in the overcrowded internet market.

First Impressions Still Matter

Web designers just have a fraction of a second to produce a good first impression. The first 50 milliseconds determine whether or not the user will remain on your side indefinitely. Structure, colors, texts, fonts, and spacing are all aspects that influence first impressions.

  • Minimalist

Due to its low visual complexity, minimalism has been one of the most popular website design trends for some years.

  • Representative

Visual aspects should accurately reflect your brand.

  • Identical

Users may have an unfavorable perception of web designs that violate their expectations. A healthcare company, for example, should have a website that looks just like it.

Mobile-Friendly Website

Customers value seamless mobile experiences. But, according to Google's website design stats 2022, 96 percent of consumers have experienced sites that aren't optimized for mobile browsing. This is a major issue, especially in terms of your company's reputation.

  • Use readable fonts

Bold fonts are essential for making your content clear, concise, and accessible for readers.

  • Optimize mobile layout

The screens on smartphones and tablets are smaller than those on laptops and desktop computers. Targets on hand-held gadgets should ideally be between seven and ten millimeters in diameter for precise tapping.

Online Purchases with a Personal Touch

Internet consumers will prefer personalized experiences when purchasing online in 2022, according to website design data. Providing a personalized online buying experience will propel your healthcare company forward. By utilizing website design services to create personalized user experiences, you may improve your traffic and conversions.

The bottom line

Website design trends shift regularly, and you must stay current to remain meaningful and functional. With so many healthcare businesses offering identical products and services, website design may help you stand out and demonstrate that your company is worth spending on.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Try These Beneficial Email Marketing Tips for A Successful Digital Strategy for Healthcare Businesses

Internet is where people head to when they have a medical-related problem or query. Hence healthcare businesses cannot thrive without a prominent online presence. Email marketing is one of the earliest tactics used by medical professionals to promote their business. It is easy, low-cost, and time-saving. Here are some useful email marketing tips for medical professionals.

Try These Beneficial Email Marketing Tips for A Successful Digital Strategy for Healthcare Businesses

1.      Patient security comes first: -

Medical businesses must comply with HIPAA regulations, the most important of which is to protect patient privacy. You cannot reveal sensitive and personal information to people in your emails. Also, ask for the receiver's permission first before you add him to your email marketing list. Unsolicited emails create a bad impression instead of a favorable one.

2.      Subject must be very catchy: -

When countless emails bombard the inbox, why should a person pay attention to your email? One of the most important email marketing tips is to design a catchy subject. Medical professionals must create a sense of urgency, personal care, or entice them through attractive offers in the email subject. 

3.      Email frequency is important: -

Email marketing is one of the easiest digital marketing tactics, however, that does not mean exploding the inbox with emails. The content loses its importance when sending emails too frequently. The best approach is to classify the list according to frequency. Send emails more frequently to those who respond better to your emails. On the other hand, send fewer, but quality emails where you need to build your credibility. 

You can also benefit from automation wherever applicable. Once you have set the email content, recipient list, and email frequency right, you can dispatch automated emails to save time and energy.

4.      Choose your target market wisely: -

This is especially true for large medical complexes that cater to different kinds of patients. Not only the service category, but segmentation based on geographic region, age, gender, and income group is also very important for effective email marketing. One size fits all does not work well with email marketing. You need to identify the different market segments and customize emails for each one. This helps increase the email view rate. You are likely to get a better response when you send a relevant email to the recipient. 

5.      Measure performance against industry benchmark: -

Successful email marketing tips include a meticulous evaluation of your performance. Measuring performance helps in identifying areas that need improvement. Metrics such as deliverability rate, open rate, and click-through rate allow marketers to understand how effective their email marketing strategy is. 

Once you have incorporated these email marketing tips into your strategy, you are good to go. Email marketing for doctors, when used correctly leads to greater patient volume and profitability.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Essentials of Holistic Doctor Marketing Services

 Why is there a need for doctor marketing services?

Nowadays people ask Google for help when it comes to seeing a doctor. Hence, the online presence of doctors is a must to create authority and credible names. Doctor marketing services help health professionals advertise through appropriate channels. Digital marketing for health professionals is a complex procedure hence you need specialized doctor marketing services to get the desired results.

Successful digital marketing for doctors requires blending the different components in the most optimum way. Here are some of these components.

Essentials of Holistic Doctor Marketing Services

Email marketing:

Generating new leads and connecting with the existing patients through email marketing always works. Use email marketing specialists to create effective and engaging, informative, up-to-date, and relevant medical content.

Social media management: 

Social media optimization is very important for successful doctor marketing. Doctors who have great followership and are active on social media are deemed more credible. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube serve as important social media channels to reach the target market. They help build awareness and brand loyalty for healthcare professionals.


The website serves as your online clinic. Through your website, you can educate and inform the prospects about your service and why anyone should choose you. A well-constructed, easy-to-navigate and highly responsive website will help enrich the patient experience. Also, encourage satisfied patients to post their reviews on the website developed for doctors. Engaging content and an attractive picture gallery that helps build brand identity are some ways to optimize the website to get higher web traffic.

SEO strategy: 

SEO is central to effective doctor marketing services. Marketers work to find accurate and relevant keywords and phrases to get a better Google ranking. It is important to regularly update keywords that match with changing Google algorithms. SEO helps improve a doctor’s online presence, leading to greater web traffic.  

SEM strategy: 

PPC advertising is a very useful way to connect you with prospects. The best part about SEM strategy is that you can measure their results and change the campaign to get the desired results. A successful SEM strategy leads to greater web traffic.


Digital marketing for a doctor is very important in today’s world. People look for convenience, especially in healthcare. Facilities such as online appointments, complete business information, doctor profile, and other information help people make a sound decision. From a doctor’s perspective, digital marketing efforts can be measured allowing the marketers to change them according to changing needs. Hence an all-around digital marketing strategy focused on a common objective will lead to greater success for healthcare professionals.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Social Networking Secrets and Best Medical Practices for Doctors

Social networking skills are a necessity in today’s fast-evolving medical world. However, it is not as plain as it seems. You need to get the right social networking mix with a balance of effective strategies put in the right direction. Here are some wonderful social networking secrets that will help you grow your medical business.

Choose social media platforms carefully based on target audience: 

This is very important as any mistake here will render all your efforts futile. Your area of specialization, geographical location, target market, and demographics all ae crucial factors to determine your choice of social media platform. It is best to become master of one, rather than becoming Jack of all trades. Focus your efforts on relevant social media platforms that are most often used by the target market.

Social Networking Secrets and Best Medical Practices for Doctors

Audience engagement is the key: 

When you have a limited number of social media channels to manage you will be better able to manage them. Positively engaging your audience is a great way to build your likeability. Use videos to engage viewers and stay on your social media page. Videos for example about your medical practice, hospital, staff, and their expertise shall help build your reputation. Through engaging videos, you can convince the target audience as to why they should choose you instead of competitors when they have a relevant medical issue.

Out of sight is out of mind:

One of the most important social networking secrets is to be responsive and always stay present to communicate with the target market regularly. You must be aware of ongoing events and news in the relevant medical field. Posting your opinion and research about such medical changes shall help build your credibility. Daily updates and posting are very important to build your brand image as being a responsible medical professional.

Focus on quality, not quantity:

Several followers are important but only when they are actively engaged and committed to your social media channel. Good quality content such as authentic information, research-backed blogs, and infographics shall help you build a quality social media network.


Long term sustainable growth comes through social education:

You need to focus on building a long-term relationship with your target audience if you want to enjoy sustainable growth. This cannot be achieved through short-term tactics solely such as lucky draws, hampers, and “share and win” methods. Rather you must invest time and energy in educating your target audience, social learning, and building that trust which is the most important factor for a health professional.

Getting help from professional social media marketing for medical practice shall help you achieve your business objectives. Click Here

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How to become the best doctor marketing services agency?

People are becoming particular about service quality in every sector more than ever before. Not just good quality is enough; consistently superior performance is what people look for. The Healthcare industry is no different. Branded healthcare is what people look for. A good doctor marketing agency must provide you with a marketing plan that clearly outlines your branding strategy. 

Here are some important things to note to become the best doctor marketing services, provider.

How to become the best doctor marketing services agency

·           Focus on a consistent strategy across all the channels: -

When looking for a internet marketing agency for doctors, it is important to understand how it goes about its marketing plan. An agency that targets different markets and follows different objectives at the same time only causes confusion and waste of resources. People prefer specialists rather than jack-of-all-trades, especially when looking for a doctor. Identify a specialty and market it across all the channels, following a single objective, be it creating brand awareness or reinforcing brand image.

  • A highly responsive website is crucial: -

Website is at the heart of doctor marketing services. Focus your strategies and resources on increasing traffic to the website. The website layout must be user-friendly and leave the users feeling satisfied that their medical need has been duly met. Patient feedback is an important part of the marketing strategy that must be provided for at the website, as well as social media channels.

  • SEO is at the core of doctor marketing services: -

A good doctor marketing agency must know how to craft an effective SEO strategy and implement it accurately. Having content experts and research specialists that come up with relevant keywords, creative and informative content, and making the most effective use of PPC and other marketing tools is essential for a doctor marketing services provider. Getting your SEO strategy in the right place shall ensure high traffic on the website, leading to greater revenues.

  • Monitoring and performance analysis add credibility to the marketing services: -

Every business wants to ensure that its marketing dollars are well spent. He is interested in getting the results that lead to prosperity and business growth. A good doctor marketing agency shall provide you with analysis and metrics that evaluate the success of your doctor's marketing campaign. The use of tools such as HubSpot, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, and other methods allow marketers to measure the results of the campaign in terms of patient engagement, search engine ranking, and sales. Not only does this benefit the customer, but also the marketing agency can benefit from such data to improve its services.

These are some important things to keep in mind while providing doctor marketing services.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Advertising for Urgent Care Clinics - Get More Patients Every Tim

Online Marketing for Clinics - Marketing strategies for urgent care clinics proven to grow new patient. We understand how crucial role urgent care centers play in obtaining patients.

Advertising for Urgent Care Clinics